Printable materials
Printable materials > Metals
Metal production involves different processing steps, from the foundry product to the finished one; those steps include the first rough-hewing phase for semi-finished products, an intermediate semi-finishing lamination, and the final finishing process.
In general, during the semi-finishing or even the final finishing process it is already necessary to make the product traceable or customize it by contact or inkjet printing.
Metals fall under the category of non-porous materials and, therefore, require solvent-based inks which would properly adhere and anchor.
For those needs, the WPNP, CLP, MIDSIZE, MINI CODER, HPNP rotary marker series are the perfect solution for printing without using varying data (such as time and date indications, etc.). Should the need for the latter arise, inkjet printers such as the Euromps ELF series inkjet printers, the ZJ printers (Essential, Dynamic, Ultra), the Squid Ink printers, from the smallest SquidInk Copilot 128 to the biggest SquidInk Copilot Max, as well as the Hot Quick Coder would handle any temporary and further editable data, as well as any alphanumeric prints, etc.
- Euromps - print on metal
- Euromps - print on pair of aluminum blisters
- Euromps - print on aluminum blister